Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A day of production wasted

             Picture day, I thought. Today was just terrible. I walked and walked for hours searching for cars to photograph to include in the magazine, accomplishing nothing. Well, of course, I did get some exercise in, but exercise isn’t helpful for the magazine!
             As I laid on my bed after taking a nice long shower to relieve some stress, I talked to myself regarding where I could find these beautiful sedans for AutoTrend. I thought to myself: Miami? Ft. Lauderdale? I knew that in these cities I would definitely get to see some beautiful cars but I also knew that I might not be able to get good pictures of them. I kept on thinking and thinking until a wonderful idea came to me: dealerships. I wanted to slap myself for not thinking of going to dealerships before walking around for four hours around my neighborhood. I did see some pretty nice cars but not nice enough to include in the exclusive AutoTrend! Well, after realizing just how simple it’s going to be to get pictures of the cars, I can finally go to sleep. Good night, my fellow bloggers! J


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